Last week I was lucky to visit the World of spotrs in Herzogenaurach with slovenian climbing team to get know the adidas brand better and to get some new clothing. I must say that I'm suprised about how hudge the whole system and complex is. I really like this brand so I hope, that some day I'll be part of it too (not only sponsored by team).
New green color for Slovenia.

Next days we spent around Germany in different gyms like Cafe Craft, Boulderwelt Munich and Regensburg , Fifgt club and even some outdoor climbing in Franken Jura. I had a really good time in Gremany cuz all the people were really nice and cuz we train really hard. That was probably the reason for my finals after a long time. That happened on world cup in Kitzbuehl (AUT) where I had finally some luck again and climbed as I'm able to. I finished on
6th place witch maybe doesn't sounds great, but for me it is cuz competition was very strong.
semifinal round
So I'm looking forward for another good result on next world cup in Log- Dragomer in Slovenia. Warmly welcome!
one for scarpa